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some of the coolest terminal apps i use every day

minimalistic and efficient


Using GNU/Linux distributions exclusively since about 2012 or so, I have become more dependent on some terminal applications than I have on some of their graphical counterparts. Not only do I use a lot of terminal applications written by others, I also use a good deal of my own terminal applications that I have made myself on almost a daily basis.

why terminal apps?

Terminal apps are applications that run on the command line. They don't have a graphical user interface and can only be interacted with through the terminal. What makes them so much better (sometimes) than their graphical cousins is the fact that they are lightweight and generally meant to serve a single purpose.

I use terminal applications because they are quick and simple. When I need to do a quick task, I can run a simple command instead of traversing through menus in a GUI environment. Depending on the task I am trying to get done, this is often the best and quickest way to go about getting something done on my machine.

Here are a few of the ones I use the most:

Here are a few terminal programs I have written:

use terminal programs for yourself

If you use a GNU/Linux distribution and you don't use terminal applications and scripts regularly, you have no clue what you're missing out on! These terminal apps and scripts make my life and workflow a lot easier on my Linux machine, and with some research on how you can use these scripts to their fullest potential, you'll see just what all the hype is about when it comes to using these pieces of software.