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audio gear I've known and loved

Audio hardware is a lot of fun to collect and use. I have owned, played with, and sold a good bit of audio hardware, including things like mixers, synthesizers, guitars, drums, and more, so I will have to separate the sections of things I currently own and things I used to own. I will probably also spotlight some things I haven't necessarily owned, but things I used, that stuck out to me.

When it comes to making music, my main focus is on experimental and atmospheric music, usually focused around instrumentals, so most of my musical collection revolves around the flow of digital composition and production, and doing some live recordings with instruments such as guitars or synths.

gear I currently own

Here is a small list of the audio gear I currently have. I might miss a few of the smaller things, and if I do, I will be sure to add it back here when I finally realize it. :-)

gear I've owned in the past

I have owned a good bit of gear through my musical journey, in different states all through my life. Here are some of the highlights of the pieces of kit that I miss the most:

This page was a good breakdown of the hardware I use when it comes to my audio endeavours. If you want to see a good breakdown of the software I use when it comes to production, be sure to check out the production page.

I'll also probably update this page with some pictures over time so you can see my collection. If you want to show me some of your favorite audio gear of your own, please feel free to contact me and tell me all about it!