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rav3ndust's personal oasis of oddities
You can push the above button if you want, but it's just going to do the same thing the "back home" button at the top of the page does. This one is only here to match the other buttons on related pages in the Wiki. :-) is my personal website, blog, journal, and wiki. I want this site to be like my "second brain", and know everything that I know. I wasn't really going for the "wiki" aspect when I first started this site 5 years ago, as I was mostly using it as a blog and a place to talk about software, homesteading, and the like. However, a talk by Devine Lu Linvega inspired me to start the "digital garden" aspect of my site - this wiki - where I store all the information I've ever obtained on things I am interested in, and things I have learned over the years. The wiki also has a lot of information about every project I have ever worked on, and every project I ever will work on, including my software, my music, and more.
This site used to look quite a bit different and had a different layout and color scheme. I have recently overhauled the site to accommodate all the new things I am adding, however, such as the wiki, the now page, and our recipes section.
fun fact: The current color scheme of this site is a fork of my custom CSS theme on Midnight Pub.
There will probably be new things joining the wiki all the time, as I am always learning new stuff and applying it to my own things I have been building.
Here is a bit of the tech stack powering this site:
All content on this site is licensed under the CC0 License. All website code is licensed under the MIT License.